During the period 2014-16 the OPTIONS and Treedom projects were SGG’s main focus. Since 2017 Rotary-sponsored tree planting has become much more important - and this is now regarded as a separate project. There are a few small planting schemes which fall into none of these specific categories, as it is our policy to encourage such tree-planting, particularly in the form of agroforestry, anywhere in Africa South of the Sahara. In 2018 we had funds to implement the planting of about 30,000 trees but we want to upscale these activities to reach an annual planting target of 100,000 trees in the future.

ARDAP research station

Woodlot planted at Soni Seminary
Read SGG report on October 2015 monitoring visit to Tanzania tree planting projects. Click here for report.
Update on projects April 2016 Click here for report.
[See top photo] Here a small patch at ARDAP research station shows what agroforestry can be with raised beds of vegetables between rows of trees. Within 20 metres of the two SGG volunteers there are bananas, pawpaws, Grevillea robusta & Calliandra calothyrsus [used for goat fodder, as bee forage, for fuelwod and as a soil improver].
[See middle photo] This is part of a woodlot planted at Soni Seminary in the Usambara Mts, Tanzania. Here 5,000 trees, mainly Grevillea robusta, were planted for both soil conservation and income generation.
[See bottom left] Here is a new orchard planted in Chawama township, Lusaka in Zambia.
[See bottom right] Here a farmer in Rombo District on Kilimanjaro proudly shows some of the trees he has planted in his shamba. People around Kilimanjaro are aware that the ice cap on the mountain is rapidly melting and the local climate changing. Decades of deforestation is a major cause of these changes, and many farmers are now concerned to replant in the hope of reversing the damage associated with climatic change.
Could you sponsor an agroforestry project? You can buy a tree for as little as 20p and pay for 3 years care for an additional 40p. Contact us
or donate through Charity Checkout.

New orchard planted in Chawama township, Lusaka

Trees planted on farm in Rombo District on Kilimanjaro.

There is an increased farmer interest in biodiversity and planting indigenous species. SGG intends to support those developments.
[See top photo] Here indigenous species have recently been planted in order to increase the size of a small patch of relic woodland near Rombo Mkuu on Kilimanjaro.
[See middle photo] This glade within the Amani Reserve, Eastern Usambaras, Tanzania is an African biodiversity 'hotspot'. There is a need to preserve the remnants of original forest as well as replant where land is available.
[See bottom left] Why not start your own patch of forest? Here Wilfrid Ogutu of MMO has planted mainly Maesopsis eminii on a stoney hill summit within his farm.
[See bottom right] In the last few years Rehema Kazi has created a "small forest" on her land with a variety of indigenous trees. She has benefitted from large numbers of self-seeded Markhamia lutea growing between her planted trees .
Are you wishing to develop agroforestry in your area? Contact us.

SGG would like to hear from any farmer interested in either agroforestry development within Busia County, Kenya. We would also like to contact community groups anywhere within our partner countries who wish to promote biodiversity.